Our Cases


R v F - Central Criminal Court

Murder trial in which the victim (a father of six) was killed as a result of mistaken identity. One of the defendants had been attacked in his home by a neighbour. He decided to taken revenge and so he and his three brothers smashed their way into the flat...

R v Y - Luton Crown Court

Pan Symeou successfully represented MR Y who was acquitted of murder following an 8 week murder trial. The victim had been going out with a woman who had intended to divorce her husband to make a new life with him. The husband, with the help of friends,...

Regina v S - Woolwich Crown Court

A t riple shooting at the home of twin brothers. The case involved very complex issues on the law on identification because that two of the defendants were twins, as were two of the victims. The High Court, on an application by the defence, ruled out the...

R v L - Woolwich Crown Court

Murder trial of a vulnerable defendant. The defendant, who was 18 at the time of the offence, met an older woman in a pub and took her home for sex. He then stabbed her 20 times. Part of the incident and the aftermath was heard by the defendant’s...

R v P - Nottingham Crown Court

A seven handed murder case in which the murder was a revenge attack by the defendants for the murder of their friend. The offence was carried out by pouring petrol through the front door of a house and then setting it alight. The defendants targeted the...

R v H - Central Criminal Court

A t welve week murder trial regarding a gangland shooting between two North London gangs. There was substantial legal argument on gang related evidence together with a cut-throat regarding the identity of the shooter. The case also involved the...

Re A (A Child) (2013/2014)

Represented the respondent mother throughout care proceedings where the baby was found to have a number of fractures caused at different times. At the fact finding hearing the court concluded that the father caused all of the injuries, that the mother was...

Test case study

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